How Much Does It Cost to Pave a Small Parking Lot in Southern California?

How Much Does It Cost to Pave a Small Parking Lot in Southern California?

Ventura, CA’s most trusted parking lot paving company is Asphalt Professionals Incorporated (API). We’ve installed asphalt and concrete paving for commercial clients all over Ventura County and Southern California for over forty years, so we can help small businesses maintain a beautiful, inviting parking lot for their customers.

Factors Influencing Parking Lot Paving Costs in Southern California

The most important part of paving pricing is of course square footage because a larger parking lot needs a higher volume of asphalt to cover, but the price is also affected by international oil prices, asphalt manufacturing costs, and labor costs for licensed paving contractors. Factors like soil erosion and grading of the site can also influence paving installation costs.

Average Cost for Paving a Parking Lot

Considering all these factors, the national cost for paving a parking lot is a range between $10,000 for a small lot, up to $150,000 for a large or complicated parking area. The national average for most asphalt parking lots is $75,000.

Cost to Pave a Small Parking Lot in Southern California

In Ventura County and Southern California, asphalt paving prices vary according to the cost for paving materials and labor. Nationally, asphalt parking lot paving costs between $3 and $5 per square foot, but it’s important to get the services of a trusted local leader in asphalt paving.

Your Southern California Parking Lot Paving Experts

Ventura, CA’s parking lot paving company is Asphalt Professionals Incorporated because we have over forty years of experience with asphalt paving in Southern California. We understand how local conditions affect pavement, and we work closely with commercial property managers and owners throughout the parking lot installation process. Contact us today for more information about parking lot paving in your local area.

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